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Media tagged with: LibrePlanet 2019 video
Australia's decryption law and free software
Freedom is fun! - Bdale Garbee
How can we prevent the Orwellian 1984 digital world?
Awards presentation and speech
Free software/utopia
Copying files between computers
Right to Repair and the DMCA
Welcome to LibrePlanet 2019!
LibrePlanet 2019 Closing, FSF staff
LP 2019 Lightning Talks
Free software for safe and happy chickens
Who's afraid of Spectre and Meltdown?
The secret battle of encryption algorithms
Technical drivers of "cloud" centralization and megacorporate domination
Modern Emacs IDE
Free software in the 3D-printing community
Accessibility in front-end environments
Saving democracy with the Web's infrastructure
GPL enforcement and customer benefits: Evidence from OpenWRT
Large-scale collaboration with free software
Trauma directors toolbox: Free software for the visualization, analysis, and improvement of trauma care
A survey of GNU Guile software
Why I forked my own project and my own company
Meta-rules for codes of conduct: Communicating about the commons
The joy of bug reporting
What do courts think the GPL means (so far)?
Sparking change: What free software can learn from successful social movements
Computational symbiosis: Methods that meld mind and machine
Building network equipment and a business with free software and liberated hardware
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