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The legacy of free software in the Brazilian government (audio only)

Presented by: Flávio Lisboa

Master in Studies of Science, Technology and Society (UTFPR). System development analyst in SERPRO, a state-owned IT enterprise. Professor of disciplines on software development. Author of "PHP Web Development with Laminas". Frequent speaker at the PHP Conference Brazil.


Today's social media users are locked into proprietary platforms, under the control of a few large corporations. Users are not customers, but a product to be sold to advertisers. These companies have little reason to care about fostering healthy discussion, only to keep advertisers happy. But there is another model for social media. Federated social networks began with Usenet, a distributed system of discussion forums invented a decade before the World Wide Web. Since then, projects such as Mastodon and Diaspora have used open standards and common communication protocols to give users power to choose their own social media experience. What lessons can we learn from Usenet? What does it get right, and what could it do better? And does Usenet still have a place on the modern Internet?


Video version


1 year, 3 months ago

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