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Media tagged with: lp2018
Lightning talks session 2 - CC BY-SA 4.0
Lightning talks session 1 - CC BY-SA 4.0
Lightning talks session 1 - GFDL 1.3
A usability study of the GPL
A newcomer’s perspective on & patches for the free software movement
Pathways for discovery of free software
Evolving government policies on the procurement and production of free software
Standardizing network freedom
Browsing the free software commons
Free software in academia
The battle to free the code at the Department of Defense
Practical, verifiable software freedom with GuixSD
The dark side of free software communities
It's real! Free software has been changing Mexico
Freedom, devices, and health
Curated Web-of-Trust keyrings for free software projects: A case study on Debian's experience
San Francisco's free software voting system
How to stream with free software
Free software for nonprofit fundraising and crowdfunding
Defense through collaboration: The use of free software in preventing proprietary software based virus attacks
Device and personal privacy technology roundup
Diversity in free software: No longer at square one
libreCMC: The libre embedded GNU/Linux distro
In business: Keeping free software sustainable
Free Software as a catalyst for liberation, social justice, and social medicine
A wee server for the home
How GeoNode spread across the globe
What college students do and don't know about free software
Engaging nonprofits: why free software is essential to the social good
You think you're not a target? A tale of three developers...
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