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Make your own I Love Free Software Day video

Made in honor of "I Love Free Software Day."

Here's the sample video

The recipe Get your ingredients

And here's how you can make your own version:

Make your video

With those tools installed, you can now follow these steps to create your own video:

  1. Open the "ilovefs23-with-text.kdenlivetitle" (title template) file with a text editor and edit the following:

a. Change <content url="https://static.fsf.org/nosvn/svg/ilovefs-1080-just-pic.svg"/>, to the path of your file (e.g. /home/gracefulgnu/Downloads/ilovefs-1080-just-pic.svg);

b. Change "Graceful Gnu, Free software advocate" (Name, affiliation) to your name and title;

c. Change "because..." to text that describes why you love free software;

  1. Open Kdenlive;

  2. From the "Project" menu, choose "Add Title Clip" and select the "ilovefs23-title-with-text.kdenlivetitle" file;

  3. Record your "I love free software" message, either using Kdenlive or another free webcam capturing software;

  4. From the "Project" menu, choose "Add clip," find your newly recorded video, select it, and click "ok";

  5. Move the title clip from the "Project Bin" area to the "Video 1" area, and the recorded video from the "Project Bin" area to the "Video 2" area;

  6. Extend the title clip until it is as long as your recorded video;

  7. Do any polishing, effects, and other edits that you like (KdenLive makes this fun and easy);

  8. From the "Project" menu, choose "render." From the dialogue, choose a free file format like WebM or Matroska, a name for your video, and click "render to file."


1 year, 11 months ago

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howto · ilovefs · 2023 · video · FSF

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I Love Free Software Day (libreplanet)


CC BY-SA 4.0
