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's media with tag
AI in a closing world
Software enshittification or freedom? It's not a hard choice!
Gaming on a Talos II: How I avoid using Steam
Steadfast self-hosting
AccessKit: A shared accessibility glue layer for the whole community
Resurrecting Software Freedom Day
Making a libre movie only with libre software
Writing free culture fantasy with free software
"Artificial intelligence": What threat are we talking about?
Debian community in Brazil
Hacking art into a community
Raspberry Pi's liberation progress
Escape the walled garden: Freeing the Apple GPU
Pollyanna: Build your own libre social network
GNU/Linux in the high school classroom
Hosting freedom: A behind-the-scenes tour with the Savannah Hackers
Cultivating a welcoming free software community that lasts
Workshop: Video editing with Kdenlive
WorldVistA EHR version of the Department of Veterans Affairs Electronic Health Record
BigCode: Open and responsible research on code-generating AI systems
Digital colonialism, surveillance capitalism, and a libre software future
LeanWeb: A ruby (out of rails) web framework for static and dynamic content
Metacartes: a free/libre toolbox to chart the course to an ethical digital technology
The immortal cookbook by Adam Monsen
Newk script: Code katas to learn programming
Finding a job while caring about free software
Topographical maps for all!
Kids need to experience software freedom, not just the idea of it
Lightning Talks
Towards federated forges
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