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's media with tag
The Lisp machine and GNU
The free software movement in the age of Trump
Verifying software freedom with reproducible builds
Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks: Won't Someone Please Think of the Children?
Lessons, myths, and lenses: What I wish I'd known in 1998
When we fight we win: Technology and liberation in Trump’s America
Libreplanet 2016: Fork the System
Richard Stallman explains free software on Software Freedom Day 2016
Library Freedom Project: the long overdue partnership between libraries and free software
F as in Freedom
Experience around FLOSS tools and social movements in Mexico
Yes, the FCC might ban your operating system
Take control of your communication with Ring!
Decentralizing the Internet with FreedomBox
LittleSis: mapping the powers that be
Beyond reproducible builds
Artificial scarcity: beyond the digital
Restore online freedom!
Trans Code: free software as model & critique of diversity by transgender hackers
When software is free, but you still can't use it - Let's GPL trademark law!
Hardware reverse engineering insights from the MAME
Effective outreach in four steps
FSF at 30: history of free software
Taking back our freedom: free software for sousveillance
Scaling your free software system: lessons from a decade of OpenMRS
The Singularity, the Matrix, and the Terminator
Stallman, Nussbaum, and Sen: putting "freedom" in context
Ending Online Tracking! Privacy Badger and Beyond!
Community technology for solidarity economies
Solving the deployment crisis with GNU Guix
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