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Device and personal privacy technology roundup
Diversity in free software: No longer at square one
libreCMC: The libre embedded GNU/Linux distro
In business: Keeping free software sustainable
Free Software as a catalyst for liberation, social justice, and social medicine
A wee server for the home
How GeoNode spread across the globe
What college students do and don't know about free software
Engaging nonprofits: why free software is essential to the social good
You think you're not a target? A tale of three developers...
Introduction to LaTeX
Sharing strategies for welcoming newcomers into FLOSS projects: First-timers-only, list moderation, and more
Who cares if code is free? UX and free software
Exposing hidden surveillance in mobile apps
Lightning Talk: Florentin Dimitriu
Lightning Talk: Sumana Harihareswara
Lightning Talk: William Hale
Lightning Talk: Philip Durbin
Lightning Talk: Chris Webber
Lightning Talk: Daniel Gnoutcheff
Lightning Talk: Ian Denhardt
Lightning Talk: Roan Kattouw
Lightning Talk: Karl Fogel
Lightning Talk: AJ Jordan
Lightning Talk: Jean-Paul Calderone
Freedom embedded: devices that respect users and communities
Increasingly permissive or increasingly dismissive: Is GPL use declining?
All ages: How to build a movement
The GNU philosophy: Ethics beyond ethics
Algorithmic bias: Where it comes from and what to do about it
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