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's media with tag
Animated GIF workshop with GIMP
The monster on the project
Prospects for free software and free culture in the workplace
SecureDrop: Leaking safely to modern news organizations - The federated, extensible social network
Accessibility, free software and the rights of people with disabilities
Technology for direct actions
The set of programmers: How math restricts us
Secret life of the bitcoin blockchain
Freedom and loathing on the campaign trail '16
The post-truth Santa Claus and the concealed present
A free software portfolio: The importance of free software in computer science
Contacts to connections: CRM funneling for FLOSS projects
Free Software Awards, with Richard Stallman: Awards presentation and speech
Beyond unfree: The software you can go to jail for talking about
Pentesting loves free software
Rock and roll bands and free software projects: A comparative analysis
Securely backing up GPG private keys… to the cloud?
Aibohphobia: The Reifier's Schadenfreude
A fully-free cell phone experience, no baseband required
Understanding the complexity of copyleft defense
The surreptitious assault on privacy, security, and freedom
Free software & the law: A lighthearted trip down memory lane
The cloud is dead
Turning sensors into signals: Free your IoT from walled gardens with JavaScript
Will the FCC still ban your operating system? (Maybe.)
Fixing trust on the Internet
Procedural 3D animation in Blender
Move fast and break democracy
Meet them where they are: Free software and social justice today
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