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WorldVistA EHR version of the Department of Veterans Affairs Electronic Health Record

Hosted by Nancy Anthracite.


WorldVistA EHR is a slightly modified version of the Department of Veterans Affairs Electronic Health Record, VistA. VistA is currently in the process of being replaced by Oracle Cerner by the VA, but implementation of the new system is currently on hold because it is not performing up to expectations. Meanwhile, VistA is in use in many places internationally, with the largest implementation in the country of Jordan. The largest implementation in the U.S. is at Central Regional Hospital, a state mental health hospital in North Carolina. It will fall upon the free software community to keep this comprehensive free software EHR available in the future.


Nancy Anthracite, MD is an internal medicine physician working in an occupational health clinic as her occupation and president of WorldVistA as her volunteer avocation. She became aware of VistA and devoted to keeping VistA free software since 1999 and is surrounded by like-minded volunteers with the same goal. She became CMO of WorldVistA in 2007 and president in 2009.

Audio-only version


1 year, 6 months ago

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