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's media with tag
GNU poke, the free extensible editor for structured binary data (Audio Only)
GNU Jami: How it works and how to get your friends and family to use it (Audio Only)
From GNU Emacs to (Audio Only)
Revitalizing Usenet (Audio Only)
Free software game restoration II (Audio Only)
Federated social media in the age of social distancing (Audio Only)
You wouldn't hate Artificial scarcity (Audio Only)
Empowering community-oriented play with TRBot (Audio Only)
Software doldrums (Audio Only)
Reclaiming public values in the Internet (Audio Only)
Easy, secure and private information transfer with magic-wormhole (Audio Only)
Distributing freedom: How package managers empower software users (Audio Only)
Design in the command line: Recipes for tasty outcomes (Audio Only)
Current challenges for the OpenPGP keyserver network. Is there a way forward? (Audio Only)
Building an ethical e-book (Audio Only)
Building a liberate home---for myself and others (Audio Only)
Baby steps to freedom (Audio Only)
A free toolchain from molecular vibrations to detailed combustion: How (some) physical chemists and chemical engineers have escaped proprietary software (Audio Only)
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