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Media tagged with: LibrePlanet 2017 video
Securely backing up GPG private keys… to the cloud?
Aibohphobia: The Reifier's Schadenfreude
A fully-free cell phone experience, no baseband required
Understanding the complexity of copyleft defense
The surreptitious assault on privacy, security, and freedom
Free software & the law: A lighthearted trip down memory lane
The cloud is dead
Turning sensors into signals: Free your IoT from walled gardens with JavaScript
Will the FCC still ban your operating system? (Maybe.)
Fixing trust on the Internet
Procedural 3D animation in Blender
Move fast and break democracy
Meet them where they are: Free software and social justice today
The Lisp machine and GNU
The free software movement in the age of Trump
Verifying software freedom with reproducible builds
Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks: Won't Someone Please Think of the Children?
Lessons, myths, and lenses: What I wish I'd known in 1998
When we fight we win: Technology and liberation in Trump’s America
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