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Emacs for P2P Deliberation

Presented by: Joseph Turner

Hello! I'm Joseph Turner. I started using GNU/Linux and learning to program after I graduated college in 2019. Since then, I have worked as a project manager and developer with the USHIN team. I enjoy playing music (fiddle, cello, piano, anything that makes noise), practicing aikido, caring for animals, gardening, and chopping wood for the fireplace in my cabin in the woods. I am excited to get more actively involved with the free software and Emacs communities as we explore deliberative software.


The ushin project explores Org mode for peer-to-peer deliberation. Ushin offers the seven shapes (or kinds of meaning) deliberative structure for mutual understanding by distinguishing facts, feelings, needs, thoughts, topics, actions, and people. When communicating over the hyperdrive peer-to-peer network, you have full control over your data. With no central authority to censor "misinformation," decision-making power is distributed. A subjective moderation system inspired by TrustNet makes it easy to find sources of information you can trust. Org mode is already an effective tool for organizing personal knowledge, and we want to use it to deliberate collective issues. Ushin combines these ideas into a fun and easy-to-use plain-text system for discussing important issues free of censorship, bots, and trolls through community curation.



Audio-only version


1 year, 3 months ago

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video · LibrePlanet 2023 video · FSF · LibrePlanet 2023 · LibrePlanet · lp2023 · libreplanet-conference · charting-the-course


CC BY-SA 4.0


This talk was presented at LibrePlanet.


LibrePlanet is the Free Software Foundation's annual conference. The FSF campaigns for free/libre software, meaning it respects users' freedom and community. We believe that users are entitled to this; all software should be free.


We do not advocate "open source".

That term was coined to reject our views. It refers to similar practices, but usually presented solely as advantageous, without talking of right and wrong.


Richard Stallman launched the free software movement in 1983 by announcing development of the free operating system, GNU. By 1992, GNU was nearly operational; one major essential component was lacking, the kernel.


In 1992, Torvalds freed the kernel Linux, which filled the last gap in GNU. Since then, the combined GNU/Linux system has run in millions of computers. Nowadays you can buy a new computer with a totally free GNU/Linux system preinstalled.


The views of the speaker may not represent the Free Software Foundation. The Foundation supports the free software cause and freedom to share, and basic freedoms in the digital domain, but has no position on other political issues.