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Free software enables free science

Paul Gazzillo, Joshua Santana


The principles of free software encourage and enable free science. This talk will cover one academic's experience with free software in academia. The major takeaway is that the principles of free software make for good science. The talk will cover topics on free software development for research purposes, including dissemination and evaluation, as well as teaching, both for supporting education and for teaching about the tools themselves. I will go over (1) how free software has supported my own research by enabling sharing and integration of multiple research projects; (2) how free software is (or is not) used in the academic literature and the effects on repeatability; and (3) how I integrate free software tools in my own courses.


4 years, 6 months ago

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science · free science · Joshua Santana · Paul Gazzillo · Free the Future · LibrePlanet conference · LibrePlanet 2020 video · LibrePlanet 2020 · LibrePlanet · lp2020 · video · FSF


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