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Public Invention: Free hardware inventions “in the public, for the public”

Robert Read, Marc Jones


Public Invention is a new nonprofit that hopes to create a movement to help humanity by bringing the values that power the free software movement to hardware and math. The basic tactic is to form teams of inventors that work publicly, in the light, with free licenses.

This talk will be accompanied by a demonstration of physical devices that embody the public-invention project-based approach. These projects will be explained as a motivation of our intellectual property policies and specific operating practices. We will briefly touch on the six most advanced projects supported by Public Invention, and briefly mention some of the forty invention ideas that have been donated to Public Invention to develop and build. We will place Public Invention in a historic context, discuss the mission, and explain our vision for the future: a world where inventing “in the public, for the public” is the norm.


4 years, 5 months ago

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free hardware · public invention · Marc Jones · Robert Read · Free the Future · LibrePlanet conference · LibrePlanet 2020 video · LibrePlanet 2020 · LibrePlanet · lp2020 · video · FSF


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