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Reducing Internet address waste: The IPv4 unicast extensions project (slides)
The LibreVR Project (slides)
ANS coding replacing Huffman and AC---from introduction to patent issues (slides)
Why we all need ethical technology and Web hosting (slides)
Living federation (slides)
The media ecology of source code access (slides)
Taking back the Web with Haketilo (slides)
Retracing digital freedom in the classroom (slides)
Replicant: Struggle for independence (slides)
Why we feel it is a liberation experience to take part in the Open Hardware PowerPC Notebook project (slides)
Hacking my brain: Free virtual-reality implementations and their potential for therapeutic use (slides)
GNU poke, the free extensible editor for structured binary data (slides)
GNU Jami: How it works and how to get your friends and family to use it (slides)
Revitalizing Usenet (slides)
Federated social media in the age of social distancing (slides)
You wouldn't hate Artificial scarcity (slides)
Easy, secure and private information transfer with magic-wormhole (slides)
Design in the command line: Recipes for tasty outcomes (slides)
Current challenges for the OpenPGP keyserver network. Is there a way forward? (slides)
Building an ethical e-book (slides)
Building a liberate home---for myself and others (slides)
Baby steps to freedom (slides)
TZDB and some challenges of long data (Audio Only)
ANS coding replacing Huffman and AC---from introduction to patent issues (Audio Only)
Why we all need ethical technology and Web hosting (Audio Only)
Toward the moral objectivity of GNU (Audio Only)
Living federation (Audio Only)
The state of software patents in 2022 (Audio Only)
The media ecology of source code access (Audio Only)
The LibreVR Project (Audio Only)
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