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Federated social media in the age of social distancing

This talk is titled "Federated social media in the age of social distancing," and will be presented by Ángel García Menéndez.

Ángel is a software engineer from northern Spain and recent graduate. Ángel has been a student associate member of the FSF since 2018.

This talk is about federated social media, its history, what the specialized literature says about user retention, critical views on the matter, and -- most importantly -- what the actual social media users have to say about it. It includes research conducted as part of Ángel's bachelor’s degree thesis.

Slides: https://media.libreplanet.org/u/libreplanet/m/federated-social-media-in-the-age-of-social-distancing-slides/


2 years, 6 months ago

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