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Translators and free software, a practical introduction to OmegaT
Software localization (translation) of Web-based projects
Installing Ourselves into LibrePlanet
IRCNow: Of the users, by the users, for the users
Lightning talk: EmacsConf 2021 news highlights
Lightning talk: Private blogs are a better social internet
Lightning talk: Real world GNU/Linux story from Istanbul
Lightning talk: Volunteering at the FSF
Lightning talk: Free/libre standards for social media and other communications
Why our economy fails public goods like free software
Taking back the Web with Haketilo
FSF Award ceremony & Saturday Closing notes
Sunday Welcome Address
LibrePlanet 2022 Opening Remarks
Keynote by Free Software Foundation
LibrePlanet 2022 Closing Remarks
ANS coding replacing Huffman and AC---from introduction to patent issues
Why we all need ethical technology and Web hosting
Sxmo: Freedom on mobile devices through simplicity and hackability
Replicant: Struggle for independence
Repair is not a crime: An update from the front line of the Right to Repair fight
Reducing Internet address waste: The IPv4 unicast extensions project
Living liberated: Zero-to-hero
Living in freedom with GNU Emacs
Hacking my brain: Free virtual-reality implementations and their potential for therapeutic use
Empowering community-oriented play with TRBot
Software doldrums
Reclaiming public values in the Internet
Design in the command line: Recipes for tasty outcomes
TZDB and some challenges of long data
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